IELTS Writing Task 1 (academic)
Tips and techniques
1. Describing line graphs
2. Avoid these mistakes
3. First impressions / outline
4. Line graph overview
5. The most common mistake
6. Overview, not conclusion
7. The overview
8. Eleven overview tips
9. The most important skill
10. Don’t practise this!
11. How to use the 20 minutes
12. Put the overview second
13. Ways to prepare
14. Checklist
15. Forget ‘grammatical range’
Report writing skills
1. Describing a location
2. Describing numbers
3. Past and future
4. Correct the sentences
5. Singular or plural?
6. Paraphrasing
7. Advanced cohesion
8. Noticing verb tenses
9. Paragraph organisation
10. One perfect sentence
11. Perfect sentence problems
12. Perfect sentence practice
13. Correct the sentences
14. Adding figures
15. A student’s sentence
16. Describing age groups
17. Useful phrases exercise
18. Rise or raise?
19. Fall or reduce?
20. Using words from the chart
21. ‘Real’ report writing
22. Using ‘in terms of’
23. Using ‘with’ and ‘at’
24. Finish my overview
25. 4 numbers in 1 sentence
26. Different word forms
27. Two charts overview
28. Using the passive
29. Important little words
30. Charts showing countries
31. Using a model sentence
32. Variety and repetition
33. Using ‘to’ and ‘by’
34. Paraphrasing with numbers
35. 10-year or 10 years?
36. Correct the mistakes
37. Show, compare, illustrate
38. Diagram paraphrasing
39. Describing steps
40. List sentences
41. Good lists, bad lists
42. Two graphs introductions
43. Two graphs overview
44. Comparison sentences
45. Start simple, add detail
46. Easy verbs, long nouns
47. Bar chart sentences
48. Easy but accurate
49. Describing overall trends
50. Three basic skills
51. Correct the mistakes
52. to, by, with, at
53. Process diagram overview
54. Be careful with ‘ing’ words
55. Be careful with synonyms
56. Simplify
57. Don’t write ‘came first’
58. Ages and age groups
59. Using the word ‘rise’
60. Word choice
61. Double, twice as, twofold
62. Where to put the figure
63. 4 figures in one sentence
64. Number description variety
65. Diagram phrases
66. Did you notice the 80%?
67. Comparing numbers
68. Ways to paraphrase
Model Answers
Line graphs
Bar charts
1. Fast food
2. Museum visitors
3. Education and science
4. Consumer goods spending
5. House prices
6. Marriage and divorce rates
7. Transport incidents
8. Reasons for study
9. Population age distribution
10. Further education
11. Phone calls
12. Internet and video games
13. Hospital attendance
14. Physical activity
15. Electricity