IELTS Study Advice
1. The 3 keys to IELTS preparation
2. The importance of methods
3. Master the method first
4. Method vs English
5. Daily progress
6. Tangible progress
7. Experts spend longer planning
8. The importance of paraphrasing
9. Big mistakes
10. From band 6.5 to band 7
11. Try to be interesting
12. Work on your weaknesses
13. You don’t need a grammar book
14. Knowledge vs Skill
15. Study vs Immersion
16. Changing your approach
17. Think in paragraphs
18. The noticing skill
19. Having the right aims
20. The other 75%
21. ‘Cleaner’ sentences
22. Do the basics well
23. What are the basics?
24. Fake communication
25. A bad mix!
26. A problem with formula phrases
27. Don’t prioritise grammar
28. Which writing task first?
29. Less testing, more preparing
30. How to write faster
31. Be more than ready
32. Why do my scores fluctuate?
33. Be concise!
34. Basic study plan
35. Being original
36. What’s the secret?
37. Mistakes are stepping stones
38. ‘Heavy’ words vs good phrases
39. Vocabulary is the key
40. ‘Moreover’ isn’t band 7
41. Simple linking is fine
42. How long will it take?
43. Examiners like examples
44. Message and word choice
45. Practise ‘sentence pairs’
46. Diluting the method
47. What is advanced language?
48. Long and short sentences
49. Know what you know
50. What can you memorise?
51. Technique vs language
52. Examples spark ideas
53. Stick with the methods
54. Misinformation!
55. Reading vs studying
56. Don’t get too technical
57. How to brainstorm
58. ‘Difficult’ words
59. Writing task 1 is important
60. Advice about language learning
61. A little every day!
62. Reuse your best ideas
63. Simon vs ChatGPT
64. Aim for clarity
65. Fear of failure
66. Advice for ‘down days’
67. ‘Natural’ English
68. If you’re worrying
69. The right mindset
70. Stay 100% on topic
71. Reuse your best stories
72. I know this already
73. Comparing you to others
74. Writing exam psychology
75. Improve exam technique first
76. You don’t need to be original
77. Sometimes we break the rules
78. Thinking philosophically
79. Objectives, plans, schedules
80. Remove redundant words
81. Edit yourself
82. Worry vs Control
83. Developing your style
84. Common ways to fail