Daily lessons with Simon,
ex-IELTS examiner

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IELTS Reading: Sharks

Read the passage about sharks and decide whether the statements are true, false or not given.

Writing Task 1: New house

The model letter in this lesson contains some good informal phrases. Check the list below the letter to see if you know them.

IELTS Speaking Part 3: Verb tenses

In part 3 of the IELTS speaking test, you may be asked questions about the past and the future. Try to answer using the correct tense.

IELTS Listening: Dissertation

Here’s some more listening practice. Fill the gaps as you listen to a university lecturer talking about dissertations.

Comparing 3 types of paragraph

Let’s compare 3 types of main body paragraph: the one-idea paragraph, the two-idea paragraph, and the three-idea paragraph.

Writing Task 1: Job resignation

The model letter in this lesson contains some great phrases for both general and academic IELTS candidates. There’s a list below the letter.

IELTS Reading: The Suzuki Method

Read the passage about a method for music teaching and decide whether the statements are true, false or not given.