Daily lessons with Simon,
ex-IELTS examiner

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IELTS Speaking Part 1: Cooking

Here are some more part 1 questions with my model answers. Today’s topic is ‘cooking’.

IELTS Advice: Message and word choice

Try this: Stop worrying about grammar, big words, impressing the examiner, your score, and what you’ve studied. Do this instead…

IELTS Listening: Spelling test

Many IELTS candidates lose marks because of spelling mistakes. See if you can spell the 10 words in today’s exercise.

Audiobook: Ideas for IELTS Topics

Today I’m sharing a full audio recording of my ebook “Ideas for IELTS Topics”. NOTE: This lesson might load slowly because it contains a large audio file.

IELTS Speaking Part 1: Collecting

Here are some more part 1 questions with my model answers. Today’s topic is ‘collecting’, and my answers are short and direct.

IELTS Listening: Multiple choice keywords

For multiple choice questions in the listening test, try to underline just one or two keywords in each choice before the recording starts.

IELTS Reading: Media

Read the passage about ‘mass media’, and complete the ‘true, false, not given’ exercise below it.