Daily lessons with Simon,
ex-IELTS examiner
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Writing Task 1: House design diagrams
Here’s a band 9 model answer that doesn’t exactly follow my normal method.
General Writing Task 1: ‘Activity recommendation’ task
Can you write a ‘purpose sentence’ for the informal letter task in this lesson?
IELTS Speaking: Phrases for giving your views
Let’s make a list of phrases for giving your views or opinions.
IELTS Listening: Quick spelling test
Many IELTS candidates lose marks because of spelling mistakes. See if you can spell the 10 words in today’s exercise.
IELTS Reading: Paragraph headings about ‘printing’
Choose the best heading for each paragraph in a passage about printing.
IELTS Writing Task 2: ‘Choices’ essay
Some people believe that nowadays we have too many choices. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
IELTS Advice: Reading vs studying
There’s a big difference between reading something and studying something. Which are you doing when you visit this site?
Writing Task 1: ‘Airport diagrams’ answer
You can now read my full model answer for the ‘airport diagrams’ task.
General Writing Task 1: ‘Hotel booking’ answer
Here’s my band 9 answer for the ‘hotel booking’ letter task. You’ll also see a list of the good vocabulary that I used.
IELTS Speaking Part 1: Walking
Here are some part 1 questions and model answers on the topic of ‘walking’.
Back to work, and your aims for 2024
Have you thought about some aims and plans for 2024? Are you feeling positive about what the new year will bring?
Back next Wednesday
I’m taking a few days off to spend Christmas with my family. I’ll be back to normal on the 27th.
IELTS Reading: Microplastics (T, F, NG)
Try today’s ‘true, false, not given’ exercise.
Writing Task 2: Structure is not the secret!
IELTS students often get this wrong…
IELTS Advice: Misinformation!
This lesson contains probably the most common piece of misinformation about the IELTS test.
Writing Task 1: ‘Airport diagrams’ details 2
Can you write the second ‘details’ paragraph for the ‘airport diagrams’ task?
General Writing Task 1: ‘Hotel booking’ part 3
Let’s finish the ‘hotel booking’ task. Can you write a short paragraph asking for advice about tourist activities?
IELTS Speaking: If you use an idiom
I tell students to avoid idioms, colloquial expressions, proverbs and other sayings in the IELTS speaking test. Why?
IELTS Listening: ‘Public bicycles’ multiple choice
Listen to a description of the public bicycle scheme in London, and choose the best answer to the multiple choice questions.
IELTS Reading: ‘Environment’ gap-fill
Fill the gaps in a passage about the environment using the words provided.
IELTS Writing Task 2: Focus on ‘real content’
Whenever people ask me for one good tip for writing task 2, I tell them to focus on ‘real content’ rather than grammar, linking or structure.
Stick with the methods and you will pass!
Today’s lesson contains some advice from a subscriber who recently passed the IELTS test with a 7.5.
Writing Task 1: ‘Airport diagrams’ details
Let’s write the first ‘details’ paragraph for the ‘airport diagrams’ task.
General Writing Task 1: ‘Hotel booking’ part 2
Can you write two error-free sentences to ask about facilities at a hotel?
IELTS Speaking Part 3: Money
Here are some part 3 questions and band 9 sample answers on the topic of ‘money’.
IELTS Listening: Use the transcripts
Do you ever check the listening transcripts after doing practice tests in the Cambridge IELTS books?
IELTS Reading: Choose the title 10
Try today’s practice exercise. Read the passage and choose the best title.
IELTS Writing Task 2: ‘New products’ essay
Read my band 9 essay about the advertising of new products, and see if you can list the ‘less common’ vocabulary that it contains.
Improving your vocabulary and grammar
A subscriber asked me a huge question this week: How can I improve my English vocabulary and grammar?
Writing Task 1: ‘Airport diagrams’ overview
Let’s write our overview paragraph for the ‘airport diagrams’ task.