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IELTS Reading: The keyword technique

I often talk about “the keyword technique” in my reading lessons. But what is this technique and how do we use it?

Four ‘agree or disagree’ methods

This important lesson contains four good ways to structure an “agree or disagree” essay. Study the four methods carefully!

IELTS Writing: Concede + answer

“Concede + answer” is both a sentence structure and a way to structure a complete essay. You should definitely learn this structure.

IELTS Listening: Microplastics

Listen to the recording about the problems caused by microplastics, and fill the gaps in the summary below it.

IELTS Reading: Etymology

Try today’s multiple choice exercise. From this lesson you’ll also learn the meaning of the word ‘etymology’.

Speaking Part 3: ‘Advice’ topic

What are the characteristics of a good adviser? Today’s lesson contains my sample answer to this question and two others.

IELTS Listening: Spending tips

Listen to some advice about how to reduce your spending, then try today’s multiple choice exercise.

IELTS Grammar: Can or could?

Let’s use a quick exercise to look at the difference between ‘can’ and ‘could’.