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Audiobook: Ideas for IELTS Topics

Today I’m sharing a full audio recording of my ebook “Ideas for IELTS Topics”. NOTE: This lesson might load slowly because it contains a large audio file.

IELTS Speaking Part 1: Collecting

Here are some more part 1 questions with my model answers. Today’s topic is ‘collecting’, and my answers are short and direct.

IELTS Listening: Multiple choice keywords

For multiple choice questions in the listening test, try to underline just one or two keywords in each choice before the recording starts.

IELTS Reading: Media

Read the passage about ‘mass media’, and complete the ‘true, false, not given’ exercise below it.

IELTS Reading: Ethnography

Try today’s multiple choice exercise. From this lesson you’ll also learn the meaning of the word ‘ethnography’.

Writing Task 1: Invitation letter part 3

Let’s continue with the ‘invitation’ letter task. In this lesson we’ll describe the special occasion and invite our friend to it.

Speaking Part 1: Parks

Here are some more part 1 questions with my model answers. Today’s topic is ‘parks’, and my answers are short and direct.

Back tomorrow!

I’m sorry that I haven’t published a new lesson for a couple of days. I’ll be back to normal tomorrow.

IELTS Grammar: namely vs including

A subscriber asked me to explain the difference between ‘namely’ and ‘including’, so let’s study some examples.

Writing Task 1: Invitation letter part 2

Let’s continue with the ‘invitation’ letter task. In this lesson we tell our friend what we’ve been doing since we last met.