Have you ever thought about the words that describe your writing and speaking style?
Academic Writing Task 1: Ways to paraphrase
Let’s look at some simple paraphrasing methods from last week’s model answer.
General Writing Task 1: ‘Packing for a trip’ part 1
Can you finish the first paragraph in this letter task?
IELTS Speaking Part 1: ‘Paying bills’ topic
Here’s an unusual topic from Cambridge IELTS 18. How would you answer question 4?
Listening Part 1: Easy but important
Are you able to consistently get 10 out of 10 in part 1 of the listening test?
IELTS Reading: Tips for ‘Which paragraph contains?’
Read these tips for “which paragraph contains?” questions
IELTS Writing Task 2: Task response problems (2)
Here’s my analysis of a writing style that doesn’t work for IELTS essays.
Live Zoom lesson 1
Please read this message about a live lesson this coming Friday.
Writing Task 1: ‘Electricity’ bar chart answer
Read my model answer, then think about the question that I ask below it.
General Writing Task 1: ‘Packing for a trip’ task
Let’s start work on a new informal letter task.
IELTS Speaking Part 2: ‘Describe a rule’ answer
Here’s my full model answer for the ‘Describe a rule’ task.
IELTS Listening: Holiday booking
Listen to a conversation between a customer and a travel agent, and answer five questions about it.
IELTS Reading: Michael Faraday (true, false, not given)
Try today’s IELTS reading exercise.
IELTS Writing Task 2: Task response problems
Read a student’s paragraph and see if you can identify the task response problems.
IELTS Advice: Worry vs Control
I suppose you could say that this is my main objective as an IELTS teacher.
Writing Task 1: ‘Electricity’ bar chart details (2)
Can you write the final sentence to finish my report?
General Writing Task 1: Informal features
Can you find 9 informal features in these phrases?
Today’s Zoom lesson
Please read this message about today’s Zoom lesson.
IELTS Speaking Part 2: Describe a rule (point 3)
Today we continue with the third point in the ‘Describe a rule’ task.
IELTS Listening: The Prisoner’s Dilemma (multiple choice)
Listen to a description of a well-known ‘game theory’ scenario, and complete the multiple choice exercise.
IELTS Reading: Chores for children (true, false, not given)
Try today’s IELTS reading exercise.
IELTS Writing Task 2: Topic ‘thread’
To ensure that I stay on topic, I like to imagine a ‘topic thread’ running or weaving through my paragraphs.
News from Simon: Live lesson trial
Please read this message about a ‘live’ lesson this coming Thursday.
Writing Task 1: ‘Electricity’ bar chart details (1)
Can you finish the final sentence of my first ‘details’ paragraph?
General Writing Task 1: Formal to informal
Can you rewrite five formal phrases in an informal way?
IELTS Speaking Part 2: Describe a rule (point 2)
Today we continue with the second point in the ‘Describe a rule’ task.
IELTS Listening: Make keyword tables
When you do a practice listening test, it’s always a good idea to make a note of the vocabulary that gave you the answers.
IELTS Reading: ‘Richard Feynman’ multiple choice
Try today’s multiple choice exercise.
IELTS Writing Task 2: Improving ‘task response’
In this lesson I’ve rewritten a student’s paragraph so that it responds more directly and strongly to the task.
IELTS Vocabulary: ‘Idiomatic items’
What are ‘idiomatic items’ and are they the same as ‘idioms’?